Can you see through shutters at night?

Definitely not clearly. Despite the fact that these holes will shed light and let those outside know that your lights are on, the only thing anyone could possibly see through them (even if they were very close) would be vague shadows or silhouettes, especially those of movement; nothing sharp or detailed. In general, if you

Can you see through shutters at night?2023-03-01T13:29:05+00:00

What is the disadvantage of shutters?

Con: Harder to place furniture in front of the window You need a lot of room around the shutter since they open inwards so you can open the window (like a door). This means that you cannot put something right in front of it, such a couch, because doing so will compel the louvres to

What is the disadvantage of shutters?2023-03-01T13:57:57+00:00

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Duis non dui vitae risus consequat vestibulum.2016-02-28T00:13:36+00:00
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